We struggle to get big because we fail to understand the nature of the word investment. The moment we hear this word, we perceive it as cash. Thats true to an extent but not the truth itself. Lets ask the big questions, “can we do something which we don’t know ?, can we know something without realising the need ?, can we realise the need without even having exposed ?”.
In reality each one of us are feared to face such questions, coz we are not good at reality. We have learned to live in our heads. We have failed to understand that knowledge comes from learning and practice not mere knowing the shallow meaning of something. To know the reality, we need to step out of our head and stop getting satisfied by our own sense of mastery. It’s not a wise step to attest ourselves about our knowledge and depth. To step out is where the real meaning of investment plays an important role. Investment is not cash, it is an inner sense of understanding the needs to transform ourselves. Always remember, if you are not the one who you wish to see you big, why should any one do ?. Come out ! step up ! stop attesting on your own selves by your own world of judges. The world out there, i tell is you is not easy but worth it !