WATER : The Element Of Heal.
Healing properties of water.
Water is an important element in earth. There are many significant research conducted on the properties and the molecules of water. This article is not about those scientific findings, rather i wish to explain about the simple applications with water to boost ourselves.

Water is the only element which has both preventive and curing abilities. this has been researched by various universities and they found that water has memory and healing abilities. There is a catch though, any element in nature doesn't work it's abilities unless it's controlled and use. For instance let's take fire, any controlled fire will help us in our utilities but the raging fire naturally formed in formed in forest will only bring destruction. Same-way water on the natural use doesn't really become a healing element, one thing we need to understand is that it can conduct such things. That doesn't mean that it is naturally that. For instance a copper wire can conduct electricity that doesnt mean that there is already a flow of electricity in it.
In mantra vidhya branch of Sri Vidhya various applications are explained. the seed syllable of water is “VAM”. This seed syllable is to be recited by touching a bowl of water and to be used. Any medecine taken with this sort of application will have a faster healing ability. There is one such simple application but we all fail to do. It is very simple but we are not aware that such thing exists. The element water is very crucial when we wish to refresh and rejuvenate ourselves. while we bath mostly we are absorbed in some thought, rather if we would absorb the feel of water touching our skin, it would act as even a more balancing agent at the emotional level. This is the reason why we feel comfortable and boosted after a bath while stressed. water element is also called mother element so it vitalises and gives a soothing feeling to us. From now on be conscious while you bath, dont just bath quickly i other thoughts. this is a simple application we can use from the element water in our daily lives to have a better confidence and health.