Vision !!
Vision !

Every time when people ask me whats my mission or vision, i reply them in a a one liner, “i want to be a guru for contributors, innovators and people who really stand for cause”. It is not so easy, in my opinion you can gather a crowd for an entertainment but change has to happen person to person, it is not a group thing. For instance let us take an artist, where does he take his balance from ? Thats the big question and at the end of the day seclusion becomes an answer to the word balance. Addictions these days are due to lack of self-handling !
My vision is that i should have to help those people to bring out their essence without being mentally damaged ! I want to be a guru for those people who don’t fit into the box, who needs handcrafted practices to enhance themselves. I can’t frame a practice for a person i did not meet. The story has to be heard, their depth and stance has to be understood, then the crafting happens. Shambavi peetam is not a place of some conventional breath practice or a ritual practice. This is a place of handcraft, there has to be this innate feel of connect to make this flow happen between the guru and disciple !!