We all aspire to be dynamic. Dynamic is the basic essence of life. No one wishes to be static in their life, but have we understood the word dynamic ?
Dynamic is not being hyper or very active. Dynamic is an attitude not a decision. This is the prime perception we need to understand. This attitude of dynamic has twofold to it. The first dimension is our inner dimension where we wish to implement ample number of ideas, but it doesn’t happen. Why ?
It is because we don’t understand dynamic is an attitude. If we look everything as a task, we would end up stressing ourselves by blaming the self for not achieving the tasks as planned. In turn what happens is whatever we wish to do in near future we tend to drop the plan just because of the guilt accumulated by not completing the previous marks. That is why i say dynamic is an attitude not a decision. If we understand this point we will eventually keep running and adding things by evaluating the contribution it can make and add those in a stable pace, things will automatically fall in place. It is like hearing a nice music. There are many tracks to what we listen some tracks just backing and feeble, some being the main tracks, but those things doesn’t matter because we are more concerned on the big picture, not everything in life is equally important, importance of few things vary and thats the reality of life. We have to look at the big picture also. Understanding dynamic as an attitude builds this perception better.
The second aspect of dynamic is the ambience, where we wish to bring out the conceived reality. We need to really do this analysis of compatibility or there will be a great mismatch to what we have conceived and the reality. So this two dimensions has to merged together if we want to really become dynamic and vibrant. We cant become vibrant and prospective by holding on to the static attitude. In fact static is very easy to follow. It is about settling for whatever we have got. Every philosophy is sensible in static because there will not be any practicality present in static attitude or lifestyle. To become dynamic and vibrant we need to come out of the small mindedness of perceiving everything as a task and make ourselves a person of dynamic attitude and develop the very attitude of looking into the big picture. The twofold of the single aspect is represented by the seed syllable klahreem (spelled as kla-h-reem) the seed syllable sounds the very attitude of the explained depth in dynamic. This twofold perception is unique to Shambavi Peetam and seer,innovator of this seed syllable is Sai Aascharyanandha.
Be dynamic to become vibrant !!!