Triangular perspective is a concept which defies the principle of brainstorming and group discussions. There is a popular saying which goes “too many cooks spoil the brat”, which means if we take a put something to opinion on the open forum, the flood of opinions from various people with various background may impact the originality and the actual need of the creation.

Then should we not consult or seek for opinions ?
First and foremost of the mistakes we do is that we tend to consult everything with the people we are comfortable or people who are confident and positive on us. The opinions of there people in reality will not help us, prime reason being the positive people tend to support us no matter what and we may tend to over look the criticism of people with whom we are comfortable with. So all this two category doesn’t work.
In reality whatever topics we may want clarity there need not be a consultation with a lot of people. To be frank we only need three people excluding the preceptor. Preceptor is the person who has come up with an idea or venture. The three people who needs to be given prime importance in consultation are the industrial expert of the topic, second one being a well-wisher being master in some venture. Well wishers don’t include friends and family, because their well wishing is primarily impacted by our security, whatever we say they only look at it a s another risk factor and the third is a consultation with a spiritually deep master, as the rest of the people can give us insight on the industry and validity of the idea, only a deep master in spirituality can really say if the venture really suits your nature and attitude of the self, or he may guide you to become sharp to adapt to the upcoming venture. To put in simple words the industrial expert is like the market experience, consulting with the well wisher is like know how to build our self in accordance with the idea. Consultation with a deep spiritual master is like adding salt to the wonderful dish and final check for possible poisons. After-all we need someone who has a sight beyond our sights.