THE ALPHA RUMOUR; Scientifically Proved !!!
The concept of “Alpha”, prevails for many centuries. It is considered as some pro-level of living a life.
Is this concept of alpha-whatever, true ?
I strongly believe, there is nothing like that. I have heard and even personally saw hen fighting to save a chicken. A hen can even fight an eagle when it comes to saving its chicken. Science terms it as adrenaline but in my opinion, if we have a strong sense towards something, to save that or to pursue we would automatically align our body mind and soul into it. Science can prove everything which is real and cannot prove what is not real. Some decades back there was an atheist culture prevailing, but today there are at least 1000 journals, experiments and documentation of paranormal and super-natural activities. So its not about what science proves, its about what reality is ! Coming back to the alpha, i believe need is the key, will a person born on a rich and pomp family think of working 12 hr shifts to supply with his need?, a normal person will do. Its not about alpha its about need. Adrenaline is a 5 minute pump, need is better than adrenaline.
Let us not differentiate ourselves as alpha and non-alpha categories, we are after all human beings with an ability to understand and adjust our sails based on our realisations and needs. Science is in my strong opinion a demonstrative platform of what nature says it can and what we feel from it. Science is not an entity rather it is a tool to human excellence, there cant be no excellence without the base as there can be no idols without stones ! Lets understand the balanced thin-line between glorifying science or spirituality. Both has to go hand by hand.
For all those who quote, “i believe in god rest bring data”. I would say data can be made for its just a form of expressing reality not the reality. Its not even a clever way to fully base ourselves in science. Be wise ! Know the nature of everything !