SRI VIDHYA : Yantra vidhya !!

Yantra vidhya a branch of srividhya upasana, is a profound art of expressing through geometrical shapes. One who has mastered the understanding of the geometrical representations is called a yantric. Its like a language… we live in a world which is spherical.. imagine if its really flat or cubical or cuboid… our entire perception of living changes. Shapes have the utmost impact on our perception. We all live in a yantra. Our functional ability is always limited by our structural limits. So the yantra or the structure defines how well a particular functions gets deployed. For instance, if a car is not built according to its conducting shape or built like a cube it can’t move fast. So the yantrikam is all about understanding the shapes in and around us so that we can deploy the functions accordingly.
How?? For instance we cant keep a square above a triangle but we can keep a triangle above square. Same applies to our life,perceptions,things we do. In order to understand what cant be done after something this profound yantra vidhya forms the base. Just like without expression we cant speak to another person. Yantra is the language of universe we should know this language to understand what we are told and what we need to ask. Without an expression it is tough to communicate our needs or to understand but language doesnt determine the functional ability thats a whole lot of another studies.
Do we really get impacted by these geometries ?
To put in a perspective, every company has a logo or every building is constructed on the certain shape. We feel relaxed and blending in some places and vice versa in others this difference in feel is because of the ambience which conducts the energy. In another instance we tend to buy products of the companies with a good logo which gets imbibed inside us on the sight. Even in real life subtly yantra vidhya or the geometry and visuals impacts us a lot in making a decision.