After the demise of “Sri Sai Pushyanandha” at 2014, came my turn to take up the seat purely by demonstration. Those days are still fresh where the other senior most of disciples did not want a small boy to go into words like responsibility, often times our stance earns us better than our skills. Every leader is born not because 10 people accepts him but when he can assure to stand for them, that trust people gain in their hearts out of this assurance makes a leader unique !!
Shambavi peetam is not a place culled out of motives, it is culled out of the hearts of the masters. A place where BELIEFS are given importance and ACTIONS are the solution. Life is not an experimentation lab to continue our game of trial and error. Seclusion is not an answer, why should we retreat in fear if there is this whole world for us to live. Do not feed the fear and it grows. Shape the heart and you will be in peace. People walk in and get not the advice but a ring of fire around them to walk their life with a diamond heart and head straight. A ring of fire which protects, we are not an object to be sorted, there is no point in covering a blanket, for blankets don’t protect a shower of stones. All we need is a stance and a vision, not towards the great’s or depth’s but for us to be in harmony with who we are. Walk into the doors and you will feel the beat.