RE- ???

We all know change is permanent. There is no doubt in this phenomenon. We try to keep up with the trends and the happenings of the society and various other aspects. Things change, products get better, our needs evolve so we tend to buy and update ourselves with the latest of things. Updating ourselves is going to happen all through our life, but
Is our approach right ??
Getting equipped with the latest tech’s and news is not the point, we have to be able to make ourselves better day by day. Studies shows that an average high school student today is as stressed as a 40 year old in 1900’s, not because we live in tough times, it is because we focus ourselves more on owning things and presenting ourselves to society rather than really approving our own emotions and instincts. This shift in focus and importance to too much of things and outer presentations has led to many moral conflicts and friction in the society.
Re-evaluate !!
As the old clothes don’t fit us, same way we have to put our belief systems and conclusions to question pertaining to the present reality. If change is the wind, re-evaluation is the key to adjust sail, to make ourselves better not just from outside but also from inside.
Think again, #Re-evaluate !!!