Productivity: a product of ?

Productivity is the major crisis for most organisations. There are ample number of methods tried by every firm to increase the productivity of the employees.
Does that work ?
Every organisation announces carious incentive plans so as to encourage employees to perform better. The HR people conduct various soft skill programmes to improve the perception and standard of the workers. After all these things still the productivity cannot be rest assured to its maximum. The main reason is that we fail to understand the word efficiency. An employee can work only to his level of efficiency not to my expectations. Even though a person tries it doesn’t work. This efficiency can only be improved by two ways :
Quality of an employee depends on his exposure towards the industrial knowledge of the job. Be it for persnol development or an organisational excellence it is very important to know the nature and scope of the industry in order to realise the areas of improvement. This exposure to the aesthetics of the industry, a person is involved with, acts as a better driving force for oneself to improve on the working style. Attrition rates gets minimised and in individuals it helps to better visualise the need of gaining required relevant knowledge to excel better.
Only an organisation with a clairvoyance in its future goal can improve the quality of its employees. In individuals, this clairvoyance helps in visualising the future position and the able contribution which can be made to society via the organisation. No business firms are independent, they rely on the consumers and consumers are the society. Sense of the nature of the society which the company is involved in providing a service determines how well a company is clairvoyant. An organisation with the clairvoyance, can lead its way more efficiently than to just work for the profits. In individuals, clairvoyance in the career helps a lot to frame themselves accordingly in order to grow to an able position.
Success of an organisation depends on the efficiency of the employees. It is the prime need of any organisation to give its employees the standard. Understanding if this mutual element is very important to improve the vision of the firm overall therefore improving the standard of performance and productivity happens naturally !!!