Aroma has always been a passive yet strong influencer of how we feel about a place. Even before our receptivity towards vibes, aroma significantly makes us realise the nature and quality of the place. In the shambavi peetam tradition of learning, aromas are given prime importance.
Briefly to go back, in those days there were no artificial fragrance. Fragrances are derived from nature and used. In the animal kingdom aroma and the scent pf a particular region determines the habitat of a particular animal and hunters those days use to determine the location of animal using the scent and its footprints.
Why is it so important ??
Our visual sense has the highest impact on our memory, but it the aroma which has the highest impact on our emotion. We can always adjust if the visual sight is not pleasing, that will not bother us to above an extent but even a mild unpleasant smell will convince us strongly to leave a particular place. The same is the case with people, for years poets have always described their subject of poems with its smell so that the words get a deep meaning. In writing medium, expressing colour and smell is the only way to bring reality even though we give a visual glorification.
AROMA – in our day-to-day life !!!
Having said about all the importance, now its very important how we adapt in our lifestyle. I-am not going into using perfumes but i will just speak about aroma with relevance to the ambience. Ambience is what our lives are made off. We are some where all the time. We cant control the aroma about all the places but what is important is that we at least have a control on how it smells in our home. The pleasant and a constant smell of our home can always have a very positive impact on our sense. Today modern research have paved way to new therapies using aroma which proves its medicinal and its impact on us. Use natural scents, agarbhathis etc as they are derivatives from the nature itself and will have an maximum impact on how we feel. Not all like the same fragrance, determine your liking and fix the aroma of your place, iam sure that your place will definitely give you a great positive impact on the life we lead. We should never forget the fact that our life starts from home and gets back home. An unpleasant start or an unpleasant end, both is not something favourable for us !!!