Sai Aascharyanandha
2 min readDec 2, 2020

The word plan in my opinion has taken a very different synonym. Planning is a tool to bring the thoughts or a discussions we want in reality. In fact the major difference between being abstract and planning is we can execute and function in an optimum way. A plan has to emphasise on the point “optimum”, but these days planning includes a lot of sub plans which actually doesnt make the desired result. This is due to the new approach of having plan b.

Let us see in detail

Lets say i need a few list of groceries to cook for few people. I can be abstract on my thought and pick whatever i like in a shop, but it may waste the resources obtained. Planning here is a best tool, i can visualise what iam going to offer, so that the necessary resources are obtained in a right proportion. This is the actual use of planning. In modern days there is a concept called a back up plan which means if things go wrong, i.e if my cooking goes wrong i would also have a plan for a swiggy menu. This plan b actually shows my level of proficiency in cooking and it is actually a double expenditure. So this approach of planning about a particular instance is more costlier than not planning itself.

What we don’t understand ??

The only thing we don’t get is the point that assessing the failure is called risk adjustment. It is not plan b but adding a risk adjustment element to the existing plan. Risk adjustment is efficient only when the process is sure otherwise it is useless. It is like insuring my car just to make an accident and being proud of being insured on the first place. I have to be very confident on my cooking at least 95 % confident to include a swiggy menu as a back up.

In reality there is only a plan. The arrangements we make in the name of plan b just shows our level of incompetence. Risk adjustment is not a tool to be used like brainstorming it is a tool for worst case scenario and there should not be a worst case scenario for each scenario then its time we need to look at the process itself !!!!

