The concept of vidhya relies its roots on experience unlike vedas. The word veda literally translates to knowledge. Knowledge has to be transformed to experience. Knowledge is not beautiful in its own form. Knowledge gets its glory only on application. When these words; application, exposure and experiences are uttered, the role of sri vidhya comes in. Vidhya literally translates to practical or application. We cant take out veda from vidhya but veda becomes included in vidhya. Sri means prosperity and sri vidhya means, that art which makes us prosperous.
Any art comes into existence by its practitioners and seers who by experience has first found out such things exist. This invention is then passed on by styles of the master. Even though srividhya originates from shiva. Lord Hayagreeva, an incarnation of vishnu, horse headed diety has been one of the prime teachers responsible for giving this to rishis and then from rishis to mankind.
Lord Hayagreeva is an embodiment of our vitality. An incarnation which symbolises that, “only a person who has gained knowledge through application and understanding is perineal. Lord Hayagreeva is considered to be one of the most important seers in sri vidhya. Upasana margam in its nature is application oriented. In reality upasana margam is termed later as gyana margam coz the very knowledge applied and the exposure gained makes a person firm and rationalised.