When it comes to the term guru there are many stigmas and conventional beliefs both on positive and negative scale. In the positive side the word guru is linked to Bhakti movement. On the negative scale guru is viewed as an unnecessary relationship and a high risk of losing individuality. As a guru myself, i feel the need to address both !!
First the word guru is not really there, only when you learn from a person he gets the tittle, in simple words just because iam born male iam not a father, i become father when iam responsible for a birth, sameway a person cannot become a guru, one can only become a scholar or a deep personality. After becoming so, if someone feels connected enough to ask and learn from that person, only then one becomes guru. The general stigma is that guru disciple bond in these days is more viewed like a husband and wife relation, because people think changing guru is a great sin. In reality even rishis had many gurus and even they interchanged their knowledge. On the first place if we have nothing to learn from a place the very term guru and disciple ceases to exist, if the relationship itself has vanished then to whom are we loyal ? So it is a prime attribute of a guru to fly high so that disciples tend to try for the height, there is no need of expecting loyalty by imposing a moral guilt.
It is more like a million dollar question but this is not that complicated. A person who has learned or practiced an art to perfection and has an ability to teach the format as he learned, is not a GURU. This type of people are called as an Acharya. Acharyas are bound to their art and traditions and are yet to master themselves. A guru is a person who has all the qualities of an acharya but have also attained depth of his consciousness. An acharya is a sort of mechanic but a guru is more of a creator.
Lets take for example you have 5 lakhs. The next step is you will invest or save by consulting to an investor or with your auditor. We consult not because we dont know anything but because we dont really know whether the decision right for the market conditions, also to give us an assurance of certain returns. If as easy as investing a 5 lakhs takes a lot of understanding and assurance, then is there not an inevitable need of a guru who can really see through our thought process. 5 lakhs lost can be earned over a time but a sequence of actions performed on a wrong mindset and thought process, can it ever be fixed ? It is upto one’s rationalism to really understand the need of a guru in modern times. Acharyas teach art not life. A guru teaches life not art. If we are closed to the exposure of conversing and connecting with a guru we are loosing a lot in life.
I respect that deep ascended masters guide us. Even iam a present guru of an elegant lineage of masters but the only problem is that ascended masters cant really have a sip of coffee and a conversation with us. In this modern life which iam also an integral part, is very dynamic. We need to really have our thought process and beliefs checked. To put in simple words, a car used for home purpose can be periodically checked as the usage is not harsh but the approach cannot be same with the transport business vehicles. It is better to really seek a guru than an acharya. Art is learned by discipline but life and aesthetics can only be learnt by knowing realities. Any art is just a creative glimpse of a reality. Seek reality seek a guru !!!