3 Important virtues to gain success !!!

Sai Aascharyanandha
2 min readAug 17, 2020

Success is interesting and we all need it on daily basis, because that’s what will keep us going. Enthusiasm of an person is directly proportional to his accomplished goals. Success of a brand has wide variety of points to proceed, but when it comes to self, we search in pages of a management books or we try to visualise ourselves as product and sell it.

What if, i told you there are 3 points which is more than enough to build your reputation strong !


This is the most underrated point or the most overlooked point. Charisma is often confused with personality. Personality is how you present yourself, but charisma is your vibe. The vibe that other’s feel when you are among them. This is the major factor which will affect your opportunities. Without a charisma your personality doesn’t fit or people will not be interested in experimenting with you. Charisma comes from spirituality, find yourself a right meditation and a mantra from a guru. Don’t rely on yoga because yoga transforms you physically makes you stress free but doesn’t impact how others feel about you.


The way you communicate with others determines the trust factor, without the ability to express your intuitions and intentions, even if people are ready to trust and invest on you they will not. Communication brings network and network brings opportunities. Without networks you cannot succeed in any ventures you undertake. Communication does not only show your ideas but it also shows how much you care for people who are there for you, without this they will kind of lose the connect with you. Communication is the tool which enhances the screen presence. Communication can be improved by vocabulary and reading but the sense of consequence is an important aesthetic of communication.


clairvoyance in simple words is your ability to visualise your ideas and self to manifest into reality. Visions cannot be formed by thinking, visions are to be felt based on the present lifestyle and your own self, craving inside to get better. Even though you have good charisma and interpersonal skills, clairvoyance kind of completes the other two aspects. Without clairvoyance you will only be known as a vague and a volatile person. Visions are the product of a true realisations and realisations are always from exposure and experiences. Clairvoyance develops from achieving the goals inspite of hardships in reality

All the above three are the important virtues needed to become a successful person. Become a person of charisma with a pleasant and powerful interpersonal skills backed by a deep clairvoyance.

